- "A one-hour coaching session with Ken Jacobs has inspired, refreshed and instilled confidence in me to take action on several key strategies for my agency. Having interacted with Ken for more than a decade through PRSA Counselors Academy (CAPRSA), I knew him as a kind soul who offers clarity, objectivity, and gives tirelessly of his expertise. His coaching skills reflect more than 25 years of agency leadership and management as well as best practices gleaned from agencies of many different configurations - another benefit of being part of CAPRSA. I highly recommend Ken and look forward to our next conversation."Rose McKinneyAPR, Fellow PRSA
- "Ken is a seasoned hand who has a knack with people. So he seemed like the right guy to turn to as an executive coach for some of our top performers. We’ve given him multiple assignments – none of them easy – and he’s far outperformed our expectations every time. We’ve taken to calling Ken the “PR Whisperer” around the office."Dan BaumCEO and Founder, DBC PR+New Media
- "I had the privilege of working with Ken as my leadership coach earlier this year, and he did not disappoint. During our time together, Ken helped me identify both strengths and opportunities for development, then worked closely with me to outline actionable steps for growth as a leader in the communications industry. Several months after the end of our engagement, I consider Ken a great mentor, partner and friend. I would highly recommend him for leadership coaching."E. Blake JacksonDirector, Corporate Communications, Walmart, formerly Vice President, Digital, Saxum
- "Ken helped me shoot for the stars while keeping my feet on the ground! He really helped me distinguish what was reality vs. my own imagination, and did a great job in holding me accountable for coming up with (and doing!) actions that would get me closer to my dream life. I’m currently running my business from Argentina with confidence– in large part thanks to Ken’s coaching!"Jessica BroomePrimary Researcher, Jessica Broome Research
- "If you want to be a truly effective leader, attend Ken's seminars, listen to his podcasts, read his blog or even hire him as a coach. His insight, passion, knowledge and selfless nature make him a consummate counselor. He has helped business leaders grown their businesses for more than 20 years. He's also been a great asset to PRSA's Counselor's Academy - generating ideas, serving as a sounding board, and cheerleading for his fellow practitioners."Rick Alcantara, M.A.Director experienced in public relations, marketing, social media, employee communications, crisis communications, web
- "Ken Jacobs is great at helping others enhance their leadership abilities, establish clear direction of an agency and setting expectations for substantial improvement. Having Ken as a professional coach, mentor and friend has helped elevate my game both personally and professionally. In addition, as a friend of PRSA, he has provided guidance to thousands of PR professionals, including members of my local chapter by offering up relevant leadership content as a webinar presenter."Chris KubanManaging Consultant and Sr. Producer, Chemistry PR & Multimedia
- "I've had the pleasure of working with and knowing Ken since before he was able to grow a beard. He blends those years of experience with a deep passion for the business and, most importantly, a keen sense of how best to work with individuals and entities to get maximum results. He earns my highest recommendation."Jeffrey GraubardFormer Managing Director, Gibbs-rbb Strategic Communications
- "I’ve found Ken Jacobs’ executive coaching approach highly effective, because he’s helped me to better focus and empower myself to achieve my leadership and business goals. He encourages his clients to create a vision of success, identify the issues impeding their desired achievements, and focus on removing those impediments. In addition, Ken has helped me consistently focus on my highest-priority actions, thereby accelerating goal achievement. I’m extremely confident he can help you, too, whether you’re a business owner or corporate executive."Ken HunterPresident and Chief Strategist, The PowerStation Communications
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