Five-Star Client Service, Is It Possible?
Among the speakers at the recent Public Relations Global Network (PRGN) meetings was Ken Jacobs, president of Jacobs Communications Consulting, which consults and coaches agencies on a number of key business areas, including client service

What Did You Just Call Me??!!
I’ve been called a lot of things in my 32.5 years of life – some more suitable for print than others.
But up until this past weekend, I had never been called a “Millennial,” a term used for the energetic, technologically savvy yet sometimes misunderstood youth in today’s workforce.

How Soon is Now? The Future of PR Firms (Part Two)
In yesterday’s post, I shared the five critical capabilities I believe agencies must offer and/or the actions they must take to both best serve their clients and stay relevant in the coming months.
These were based on a panel in which I participated last year on “The Future Of PR Firms” at the North American meeting of global PR network IPREX, along with Steve Barrett, the managing editor of PR Week.
Today I’ll share my remaining six points, and hope they get you thinking as you plunge into 2013.

How Soon is Now? The Future of PR Firms (Part One)
In the last few months of 2012, we saw a number of posts about PR firms of the future. One, by a number of executives from various PR agencies in PR Week about what the PR firm of 2017 will look like, resulted in a sharp response from Danny Brown

Make 2013 Your Year of Change
When Repman asked me to write a guest post on what I believe owners and leaders of communications agencies should do in 2013, based on what I heard from them in 2012, one thought came immediately to mind: Make 2013 Your Year of Change

How To Raise Your Firm’s Profitability: Find The Right Answers To These Questions
I wrote an article for Al Croft’s “Management Strategies For Public Relations Firm” published in September, 2012. Read about that steps that I recommend to clients that will help them manage their firms more successfully and profitably.
Six Reasons Why You Should Hire A Consultant
My good friend Steve Cody, founding partner of strategic communications agency Peppercom, “lent” me his highly influential blog RepMan to answer the question, which I sometimes hear from agency owners, “Why should we hire a consultant?”

Spin Sucks Ken Jacobs Follow Friday
Gini Dietrich, grand master of the highly influential Spin Sucks blog and highly effective communications agency Arment Dietrich, and a dear friend, says my blog is worth following. And who am I to disagree?

Superior Client Service is Key to Successful Professional Services Relationships
An interview with Ken Jacobs, principal of Jacobs Communications Consulting, LLC, who advises companies and agencies on improving their working relationships.
How can a professional services firm have a more productive and positive relationship with clients?

Superior Client Service Key To Successful Relationships For Professional Services Firms
Joyce Newman, founder of the Newman Group, where business leaders go for presentation and media training, asked me to share my thoughts on the “Keys to Successful Relationships For Professional Service Firms on their Presenting Yourself blog.