How to Lead in the Rapidly Changing World of Public Relations
Some people believe that there’s been more changes in communications in the past five years than in the previous...
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Climbing Up the Leadership Ladder With Steve Cody
It feels like I’ve known Steve Cody, co-founder and co-CEO of integrated communications agency Peppercomm, forever. He’s celebrated for...
Danielle Devine’s Journey to Leader at Johnson & Johnson
I first met Danielle Devine when I joined Marina Maher Communications in 1994. It was clear to me that...
Rick French on Attracting and Retaining Top Talent
Rick French is the chairman and CEO of French/West/Vaughan, one of the country’s most respected independent PR agencies. Here,...
7 Skills PR Leaders Need to Succeed in the Coming Years
What skills will leaders of communications organizations need in a few years? Think speed, flexibility, boldness, adaptability, a global...
6 Leadership Techniques for Executive-Level PR Practitioners
How are today’s PR executives managing in these challenging and changing times? I spoke with nine senior-level practitioners to...
Training Strategies in 2014
How do I decide what the right approach is for my training strategies in 2014? You are asking the...
A Dozen Tips To Power Your PR Writing
The following outlines the top tips I share with those who want to improve their writing. You’ve probably heard...
Write This Way: Tips for becomming a better writer
Some PR professionals are fortunate enough to not only be great writers, but also to find the process easy...
Seven Essential Tips To Enhance Your Media Relationships
Here are seven must-dos to enhance your relationship with the media. Hopefully you’re already employing them. If not, start...